Chapter Initiatives

Youth engagement

Our youth initiative team has been actively planning and organizing events for kids and youth to keep them excited about such events, connect with each other and develop a strong bond which will last for their lifetime. This is a great platform for young parents to connect, share their thoughts and strengthen the overall support system as well.

  • Actively Engage OSA Georgia Youth in community activities
  • Provide community service
  • Enhance youth cultural
  • Give back to community
  • Provide Leadership Opportunities to all kids
  • Provide Community Service/ Leadership Credits to HS kids
Holiday Baking & Craft making (12/09/2023)
Ms Utkalini 2023 (Beauty Pageant for Youth by OSA GA) (10/28/2023)
Diwali Diya making & outdoor sports activity
Fall Indoor sports activity for youth


Barnabodha Odia Sikhyalaya by OSA GA(01/26/2023)

Kalyan Jyoti

At OSA Georgia as a part of our commitment to give back to community and inculcate values of community service amongst us and our younger generation, we continue to hold our Kalyan Jyoti series of events. We conduct multiple Kalyan Jyoti events during the year partnering with local non profits and other organizations to join hands with them by providing free labor and material (where applicable) towards helping people in need. The Kalyan Jyoti events get significant interest from our youth and adults and everyone enjoys serving the community with a smile. Our youth get credit for their volunteer effort and have expressed the sense of accomplishment they get by seeing their effort make a difference to people in need.

Kalyan Jyoti 2024-1:  MedShare

Kalyan Jyoti 2023-4: Rakhi with Suwanee Police

Kalyan Jyoti 2023-3: Save the horses

Kalyan Jyoti 2023-2: Meals by Grace with Vibha

Kalyan Jyoti2023-1: Books for Africa

Kalyan Jyoti 20222-1: Meals by grace

Kalyan Jyoti2021-1: Meals by grace

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